That’s right, today is WORLD KIDNEY DAY 💚💚💚 Let’s continue raising awareness about kidney disease and the importance of maintaining healthy kidneys during National Kidney Month!
National Kidney Month - Instagram Live with A Kidney for Melody
In honor of World Kidney Day and National Kidney Month we partnered with Mindfulness Coach, Brenda Saraí Zuniga and Nikole Gallardo & Melody from @AKidneyForMelody to raise awareness about kidney disease and mental health. Melody was born with Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome and received the gift of life in 2017 from an organ donor, that saved her life!
Join us LIVE on Instagram, Friday March 11 at 12pm PST for the conversation kidney health, organ donation, and positive coping skills!
Let's Celebrate National Kidney Month!
March is National Kidney Month! This month many organizations, health professionals and communities come together for one purpose: raise awareness about kidney disease. In celebrating National Kidney Month, let’s take a second to learn more about risk factors of kidney disease.
Your kidney can fail due to build up of waste in the body, damage to the kidneys, anemia as well as build up of fluid in the body. Symptoms can include anything from nausea and vomiting, blood in the urine, fatigue to swelling in the face, feet or hands. To determine if the symptoms you have are because of kidney failure, have your doctor perform these specific tests:
1. Urinalysis – check for protein, blood and white blood cells in the urine.
2. Blood tests – test creatinine and BUN, waste products that healthy kidneys remove from the bloodstream
“The main job of your kidneys is to remove toxins and excess water from your blood. Kidneys also help to control your blood pressure, to produce red blood cells and to keep your bones healthy,” via World Kidney Day organization.
Make a contribution today and help us raise awareness about the importance of maintaining healthy kidneys. Join us in raising awareness about kidney disease!
National Kidney Month - UCLA CORE Kidney Monthly Chat
Join the awesome CORE Kidney Team as Anjay Rastogi, MD PhD and Marc Coronel, Kidney Recipient and CORE Kidney Ambassador host another monthly chat. The focus will be on discipline, mental health, and much more! You can directly ask questions during the event or you can also email them your questions in advance to and they’ll incorporate them into the program.
FREE, VIRTUAL, and open to the public, happening on Tuesday, March 1st | 5 – 6:30 pm (PST).
Staying Healthy in 2022 - UCLA CORE Kidney Monthly Chat
Learn about saying healthy in 2022 with the CORE Kidney Team, hosted by Anjay Rastogi, MD PhD and Marc Coronel, Kidney Recipient and CORE Kidney Ambassador. The chat will focus on the importance of communication with healthcare providers, mental health, eating and exercising with discipline, and much more! FREE, VIRTUAL, and open to the public, happening on Tuesday, February 1st | 5 – 6:30 pm (PST).
Save the Date: 15th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic on May 1-2, 2022
November UCLA CORE Kidney Monthly Chat
Have questions about Staying Healthy during the holidays? Check out this month’s Virtual UCLA CORE Kidney Monthly Chat tonight from 5-6pm PST, focusing on the importance of communication with healthcare providers, eating and exercising with discipline, stocking of medications, and much more during the holiday season. Click here to register for FREE! You will have the opportunity to ask questions on the virtual chat or you can email your questions in advance to and they will incorporate them into the program.
2 Tickets to Michael Jackson ONE by Cirque du Soleil & 2 Night Stay Mandalay Bay Resort
Experience a Two-Night Stay at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino with Two Tickets to see a Michael Jackson ONE by Cirque du Soleil or grab this beautiful Train Signed Fender Seaside Soprano Ukelele. Bid now on Charitybuzz and help support our kidney families in need!
SCGA FORE HER - Linda Small's Impact is Anything But...
“Linda Small (black shirt, on the right) was doing what she does best running the 14th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic at Lakeside Golf Club. She was smiling, running around introducing folks - she doesn’t forget a name - putting out fires and making sure everyone was comfortable, from the mariachi singers that belted out lovely tunes on a Monday morning to celebrities like comedian D.L. Hughley, Doors guitarist Robbie Krieger and boxer Oscar De La Hoya on Oct. 4.”
Stars Joined George Lopez for the 14th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic
The sold out event kicked off with a Sunday night pre-party at Baltaire Restaurant sponsored by Stacey & Larry Kohl and the Monday tournament was sponsored by Presenting Sponsor: Iris Smith/Once Upon A Time Productions and Title Sponsor: Natera to help send kids with kidney disease to summer camp and kidney patients in need.