Stars Joined George Lopez for the 17th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf to Raise Awareness about Kidney Health
The Hollywood elite joined comedic actor, George Lopez in Toluca Lake, CA on Monday April 29, 2024 for the 17th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic benefitting the George Lopez Foundation. The sold-out event kicked off with a Sunday night Pairings Pre-Party at Top Golf El Segundo sponsored by Top Golf and PXG with live entertainment from ISA Epic Entertainment.
Board Members Stacey and Larry Kohl attend the Pairings Pre-Party at the Top Golf El Segundo. This fantastic event was followed by the annual celebrity golf classic generously sponsored by Healthcare Highways and Michael G. Wilson who received the 2024 Humanitarian Award with special musical performances by Boogie Knights in effort to send kids with kidney disease to summer camp and help kidney patients in great need. The tournament format was “Two Man Modified Best Ball” of five-somes with full handicap. GBK Brand Bar produced the annual “Gifting Lounge” featuring an assortment of luxury gift items.
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“I am thankful for the kidney transplant I received in 2005, which has allowed me to pursue my two passions – playing golf and giving back to others less fortunate. As we enter the ninth year of the new Foundation, we continue to improve the quality of life for many children and adults giving them the opportunity for a brighter future. Please join me in supporting this very worthwhile cause.”