Don't Miss George Lopez in "El Chicano" Movie

Our streets. Our fight. Our hero. Watch the official trailer for El Chicano now. See the film starring Raúl Castillo and George Lopez in theaters May 3.

When L.A.P.D. Detective Diego Hernandez is assigned a career-making case investigating a vicious cartel, he uncovers links to his brother’s supposed suicide and a turf battle that’s about to swallow his neighborhood. Torn between playing by the book and seeking justice, he resurrects the masked street legend El Chicano. Now, out to take down his childhood buddy turned gang boss, he sets off a bloody war to defend his city and avenge his brother’s murder.

George Lopez Speaks Out On World Kidney Day

💚💚💚 World Kidney Day 💚💚💚

Watch George Lopez sharing his story Facebook HQ, kicking off their Global Causes Program to raise awareness about Kidney Disease and Organ Donation. During March, National Kidney Month, we'll release a video every few days! Let’s continue raising awareness about the importance of maintaining healthy kidneys during National Kidney Month.

Comedian Kyle Grooms Needs Your Help

A very talented comedian, Kyle Grooms, and friend of George Lopez is in the hospital. He is in Miami Memorial Regional Hospital where he is to have surgery on Thursday, March 14th 2019 to remove a brain tumor. We will know more when the brain tumor is removed, but for now, he is resting in preparations for the surgery. This was unexpected and as of a month ago Kyle ended his insurance. Click here to donate to support him through this very difficult time. He’s an amazing person and a great comic.

Join us in the Fight Against Kidney Disease During National Kidney Month

Your kidney can fail due to build up of waste in the body, damage to the kidneys, anemia as well as build up of fluid in the body. Symptoms can include anything from nausea and vomiting, blood in the urine, fatigue to swelling in the face, feet or hands. To determine if the symptoms you have are because of kidney failure, have your doctor perform these specific tests: 

  1. Urinalysis – check for protein, blood and white blood cells in the urine.

  2. Blood tests – test creatinine and BUN, waste products that healthy kidneys remove from the bloodstream.

Make a contribution today and help us raise awareness about the importance of maintaining healthy kidneys! 

Learn How to Become an Organ Donor Today

Nearly 95,000 people are waiting for a kidney and depending on the day, the list can get close to 100,000 people waiting for a kidney transplant according to the United Network for Organ Sharing. You can become an organ donor in a few ways: check the donor box when you renew your driver's license and you can also register online to become an organ donor.

The $5 DOG Wedding Book Drawing Attention to Organ Donation

Lilly, Bernie and Spinner looking adorable 💚💚💚

Very excited to share one of our biggest fans Lilly Smartelli (@thefivedollardogwedding) is featured in the New York Times showing off her awesome book THE $5 (DOG) WEDDING . The book draws attention to organ donation and why it’s so important to support dog shelters. We cannot wait to read it! “By marrying Bernie in a symbolic way, I could draw attention to organ-donor groups and local animal welfare shelters that lack proper funding,” said Lilly. Click here to read Lilly’s story on the New York Times.