Celebrate with George Lopez for Pink's Hot Dogs 80th Anniversary

Pink’s Hot Dogs stand, a Hollywood legend since 1939, is celebrating its 80th year in business by selling CHILI DOGS FOR CHARITY for 80 cents for 80 minutes for 8 days starting November 8th at 8 p.m. and 100% of the proceeds will go to charity. The limit per customer is 8. To commemorate the 80th anniversary of this family-owned and operated hot dog stand, the Pink family has invited various celebrities to Pink’s on each night of its 8 day celebration and will be giving 100% of the proceeds of the chili dog sale to the charity of the celebrities’ choice. Pink’s is thanking Los Angeles for 80 years. Pink’s was started by Paul and Betty Pink in 1939 with just a pushcart and a $50 loan. In those days, Pink’s offered curb service. Hot dogs were 10 cents and cokes were a nickel. Today Pink’s sells over 1,500 hot dogs a day and is famous for its wide variety of 40 hot dog combinations on the menu and its celebrity wall of fame with over 200 personalities, who have dined at Pink’s over the years. Orson Welles holds the record for the most hot dogs consumed at one sitting – 18.

Please join the fun and celebrate with George Lopez this Monday, November 11, 2018 at Pink’s Hot Dog stand in Los Angeles. Pink’s will celebrate their 80th Anniversary in Business with CHILI DOGS FOR CHARITY from 8:00 pm - 9:20 pm. 100% of the proceeds will go to the George Lopez Foundation and CHILI DOGS WILL BE SPECIALLY PRICED AT 80¢ (limit 8 per customer). HOT DIGGITY DOG!!!!