Kidney Warrior - Micah Needs Life-Saving Kidney

At age seven, Micah was diagnosed with FSGS, a rare, chronic kidney disease with no cure. He has been battling for nine years through countless doctor appointments, hospitalizations, regular labs and blood draws, multiple experimental treatments, restrictive diets, nightly shots, and a daily cocktail of medications. Through it all, Micah has stayed positive. His parents have watched him fight and persevere to be a normal kid. He refuses to allow this disease to hold him back, even though it has not been easy.

So often, Micah has felt under the weather, experiencing headaches, body pains, and low energy; at times, it is difficult for him to get out of bed, yet Micah never complains. With a compromised immune system, a common cold knocks him out for a couple of weeks. Micah never asks to skip a class, miss a practice, or take it lightly, and he never asks for special treatment. He always works hard in school, maintains straight-As, and participates in extracurricular activities.

Since COVID-19 he’s been trying hard to stay healthy and finish his school semester from home. Amid all this chaos and right before finals, Micah’s doctors said he is not going to make it through high school; Micah’s current kidney function is at 30 percent and dropping rapidly. This news is disappointing and discouraging. PLEASE consider being a donor or share this information with your friends and family to help his wonderful family find a suitable donor. For more information on how you can help visit : 💚💙💚💙