Amazing Family Spends Months Preparing Care Packages for Kidney Transplant Patients

Happy Wednesday everybody! In honor and celebration of National Donate Life Month, we wanted to do something special today and spotlight this amazing family who spent months preparing and making care packages for kidney transplant patients. 💚💙💚💙

The care packages were successfully delivered to the Cleveland Clinic Weston Florida.

“We took such great pleasure in giving back to the community, making the care packages. I've worked with patients with renal disease for the past 14 years and they have taught me a very valuable lesson and appreciating the smallest things in life. They are some of the most humble people. It was such a wonderful feeling to give back. I was so excited at the moment that we delivered the care packages.

We just want the patients to know that we are, the world is connected and people care and looking forward to them at our second chance at life. Organ donation allows recipients to grow up and go to college live long enough to meet their grandchildren to go back to work and enjoy a fulfilling career fall in love and get married and start their own families. We hope their second chance at life is out of this world amazing!”

What a wonderful story and amazing family doing their part to give back to those in need of love and support.

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