Super Volunteers Paulette and Cheyenne Mello Share Their Kidney Story

Cheyenne & Paulette Mello, dedicated supporters of our foundation, kindly take a moment to share their journey with kidney disease and reminisce about the heartwarming occasion when George Lopez led a group of kidney kids, Cheyenne among them, on a trip to Disneyland to uplift their spirits.

Cheyenne, at the tender age of 15 months, underwent a life-changing kidney transplant. Her childhood was marked by prolonged hospital stays and numerous surgeries – a resilient battle not only to preserve her kidney health but also her very life. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to her mother Paulette and unwavering commitment to Cheyenne’s well-being and tireless advocacy on her behalf.

Two remarkable women who always make themselves available to volunteer for the foundation, raise awareness about kidney health, and give back to the community. Join us in celebrating their inspiring journey as true Kidney Warriors.

#ThankYouCheyenne #ThankYouPaulette #MyKidneyStory #wednesdaymotivation