Celebrating 12 YEARS of raising awareness about kidney disease and organ donation thanks to our friends at Corona Premier, City National Bank, Element Lifestyle, Small Family Fund, Boulevard Management, Survivor Outreach Services, Buzzbox, Freemantle, Muchacha Salsa, Puffingtons Golf, Snoop’s Premium Nutrients and more. Thanks for supporting the 12th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic! We couldn’t send our kids to camp without you!
Huge Success for our Cinco De Mayo Celebration Party
Amazing Celebration Party for the 12th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic at Baltaire Restaurant last night. So much energy and music, all for our foundation and sending our kidney kids to camp!
1 Day Left until the 12th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic
A few more hours until the 12th annual @georgelopez celebrity golf classic! Let’s raise money to send our kidney kids to camp!!!
Girls Who Golf May Get a Business Boost from our friends at City National Bank
This is so true everyone should golf! Great article from our friends City National Bank! “Learning golf may help your daughter gain access to top executives, hear the inside corporate gossip, find a mentor and even be promoted, said Mary Jacobs, golf pro at the Wilshire Country Club in Los Angeles and golf coach at Marlborough School, a private Los Angeles girls' school. She thinks girls should learn while they are young — because frankly, it is easier to pick up the game that way.”
“A lot of my clients are between 25 and 40 – every single one of them says, 'I wish I had learned to play as a kid,'" said Jacobs. “They tell me that agents at Creative Artists Agency play with clients, junior agents get to play with senior agents. At law firms, junior associates get to play with partners."
We're Officially Sold Out for the 12th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic
This year’s Celebrity Golf Classic received an overwhelming response and we’re sending a HUGE thank you to all of our sponsors, vendors and golfers for your incredible support in raising awareness about kidney disease. You can still support the 12th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic by bidding in our online auction with Charitybuzz. We’re proud that funds raised from the tournament will help send over 250 children to kidney camp for a week they’ll never forget.
Happy Birthday George Lopez!
Get Ready to Bid High & Bid Often in our Annual Charitybuzz Auction
You can still support the 12th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic by bidding in our online auction with Charitybuzz. Check out all the GREAT DEALS & AMAZING EXPERIENCES! Fun items like setting sail on the KISS KRUISE IX 2019 to Jamaica or grabbing the best seats in the house to see Lady Gaga in Las Vegas, we have something for everyone. So what are you waiting for? Start bidding today! Remember to bid high and bid often!
Celebrating 12 Years of Raising Awareness about Kidney Disease thanks to our Sponsors
Excited to celebrate 12 YEARS of raising awareness about kidney disease and organ donation. We're able to send our kidney kids to camp because of the generous support from our amazing sponsors & supporters!
For a complete list of sponsor, click the logos above or visit: http://www.georgelopezfoundation.org/sponsors/
April is National Donate Life Month
Every April we celebrate Donate Life Month to shine a spotlight on those saving lives through the gift of donation. “Donate Life America was inspired by bicycles and the phrase “Life is a beautiful ride.” Like the donation and transplantation journey, a bicycle serves as a symbol of progress, renewal and the moving circle of life. We each carry the potential to help make LIFE a beautiful ride for ourselves, and then for others, by registering as a donor, considering living donation, being a caregiver and championing the cause.” said Donate Life America.
To learn more about Donate Life, click here to visit their website.
Get Ready for The 12th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic
Countdown begins to the 12th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic and Cinco de Mayo Celebration on May 5-6th!! Are you Ready?