2 Years Kidney Strong for Melody Celine

Even at this difficult time, let’s take a moment to send an uplifting message to little Melody Celine and her amazing family. She’s a true kidney warrior and fighter. Her mother shared these words with.

To all the fighters, survivors and angels. This day is for you. March 12th 2020, World Kidney Day💚 I can’t tell you how many times my daughter has had to be poked with needles. I lost count of how many hospital admissions she’s had. And I’d need 2 hands to count the amount of surgeries and procedures she’s been through. Melody has never had it easy since the day she was born. But because of an organ donor, she is here today. Kidney disease and organ donation needs to be in the eye of the public so much more than it is. What a lot of people don’t understand is that a kidney transplant is not a cure, it is a treatment. There is no cure for kidney disease. By spreading awareness,finding new research and by God’s Grace scientists are working on creating an artificial kidney that will last hopefully forever. This is something that is an issue not many know about and don’t know how big of a blessing being an organ donor can be for someone. Sharing Melody’s story has been a priority for me from day 1 and always will be. Because if we can spread awareness and get at least one person to check the box then I know a mother who is like me will get to see their child old or young be a new person. 1 organ donor can save up to 8 lives. Because of an organ donor my daughter gets to run, jump and play. Try new foods everyday without restriction. And gets to live her life. Yes we will always take medication and this will always be with us. But because of an organ donor I get to share everyday with my daughter. Thank you Valley Children’s Hospital. Thank you Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. Thank you God. Happy world kidney day to my baby. Mommy is so proud of you Melody Celine. 💚🙏🏼💚🙏🏼✅ 🌍